Museum Hours: Thursday-Monday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Sharps Model 1C Pepperbox Pistol

TITLE: Sharps Model 1C Pepperbox Pistol​

MAKER: C. Sharps and Company 

MADE IN: Bridgeport, CT

CALIBER: .22 Rimfire Cartridge

DATE: 1859-1874

DIMENSIONS:  2 ½”    Length: 5”    Height: 3 ¼”  

INSCRIPTION:Serial Number 16421 /  Action Area (both sides): C. SHARP’S

CREDIT LINE: Guns from the Browning-Cowan Family

OBJECT ID: 986-12-090

These pistols were popular and made by both C. Sharps & Company and Sharps & Hankins from 1859–1874.